1) Main idea is what the story _________. a) Said at the end b) Is mostly about 2) The sentences that support the main idea are called _______. a) sentences b) details 3) Sometimes the main idea is located in the ______ of the text. a) first sentence b) middle sentence 4) What is the topic from the group of words below? Monkey, Elephant, Zebra, Lion, and Tiger a) things to do b) zoo animals 5) What is the topic from the group of words below? Apple, Banana, Orange, Grapes, and Pear a) fruits b) things in a basket 6) What is the topic from the group of words below? Candle, Cake, Presents, Hats, and Streamers a) toys b) party supplies 7) What is the topic of the story? Elephants are huge in size. They have big, flat feet that can be dangerous if you're stepped on. They long trunks can be used for drinking water and for protecting themselves and their loved ones. Their ears are also quite large and are used to help keep them cool in the hot summer. a) trunks b) elephants 8) What is the topic of the story below? Many people think that spiders are a type of insect, but they are incorrect. Spiders have 8 legs while insects, by definition, have only 6. Spiders are a type of animal called arachnids. They have 8 legs and two distinct body parts, the abdomen, and the thorax. a) spiders b) thorax 9) What is the topic from the group of words below? Soccer, Football, Baseball, Tennis, Golf a) sports to play b) fun things to do 10) What is the topic from the group of words below? Tulips, Roses, Daises, Sunflower, and Carnations. a) things to look at b) Flowers
Main Idea
1st Grade
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