Blueprint - Is a process-oriented approach, External context - Topic, location,persons, objects,events, operations,texts, Communicative language skills - oral comprehension,written comprehension,written interaction,online ineraction, Core skills - Critical thinking,creative thinking,communication,collaboration,emotional development, Language inventory - Language functions, sample exponents,sample vocabulary,sample grammar, Reflection - Is a metacognitive strategy to help learners to reflect upon experinces, actions and decisions taken., Objectives - Specific statement of teaching intention, indicating the specific area one intends to cover and the individual learning activities to be used to achieve the overall learning,, Assessment for learning - assess a student’s comprehension and understanding of a skill or lesson during the learning and teaching process., Assessment of learning - typically administered at the end of a unit or grading period and evaluate a student’s understanding by comparing his or her achievement against a class-, district-, or nationwide benchmark or standard,, Classroom practices - Diagnostics, Learning intentions,Success criteria, 5 key assessment for learning strategies - Sharing learning expectations,eliciting evidence,feedback,self assessment,peer assessment, Learning zone - Where you experiment, develop skills,stratch your abilities, Feedback - Is the way that we provide information to a student which focuses on their performance., Learning outcomes - What a learner should know, understand and be able to demonstrate after the completion of a process of learning, instruction or classroom transaction,
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