How often do you chat with your friends using any of the social networks?, Do you consider friends that you met on Facebook "good" friends?, Do you send friend requests to people you have never met?, What one word describes your best friend?, Does your best friend have piercings, tattoos, or both?, Have you made good friends through the Internet?, What are some reasons to end a friendship?, What bad habit(s) does your best friend have?, When did you last go out with friends? What did you do?, Can parents and children be friends?, What makes you a good friend?, Do you prefer to have many friends or just a few friends?, Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?, Do you stay in touch with your friends from school?, Is it hard for you to make friends?, What is a friend?, How do you prefer to keep in touch with your friends?, How many people do you consider your “best friends?”, Which of your friends have you known the longest?, Would you risk your life to save a friend? How about a stranger?, How did you meet your best friend?, What is the best way to make new friends?, Have you ever ended a friendship because it was an unhealthy relationship?, Can a married man and a married woman become close friends?, Can people with very different interests be friends?, Is it possible to make new friends when you are very old?, Can a person be happy without any friends?, Is it possible to have close friends who are much older or younger?, Do men and women want different things out of their friendships? , How do friendships benefit people?.
Conversations About Friends/Friendships
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