Demonstration (DEMO) - The showing of passengers the usage of various types of emergency equipment and/or exit locations, Direct Flight - A flight, regardless of the number of intermediate stops, which normally does not require transfer to another aircraft, Dispatch (DISP) - Licensed operators who have the responsibility of scheduling and monitoring all aircraft and crew, Ditching - Term used for a water landing and evacuation of an aircraft, Domicile - An airline crew base, Don - To put on, Draft - Mandatory assignment of a FA to duty on a day off, Duty Time - The time a FA is on duty. _____ begins 45 minutes prior to scheduled departure time of the first flight of a flying sequence and extends to 10 minutes after the termination of the last flight of a flying sequence , Egress - To go out or exit, Empennage - The tail assembly of an aircraft, En Route - In flight when you are on or along the way. Also an FA check ride conducted by an ATS usually done after 6 months , Ferry Flight - A flight with no passengers or cargo on board which is made to position an aircraft for a flight or to get to its home base, First Officer (FO) - A pilot who occupies the right seat, Flight Deck (Cockpit) - The area from which the aircraft is flown, Flight Plan - A predetermined schedule to be followed during flight based on the latest information available on the route. It is submitted to ATC prior to take off, Flight Schedule - Computerized time-table located on the United website listing all CommutAir, UA, and other partner carrier flights, Floor Proximity Lighting/ Photoluminescent Lighting - Floor path lighting systems which illuminates using "green ____ strips" to help guide passengers to exit in a darkened cabin, Fuslage - The main structure or central section of an airplane that houses crew, passengers, etc., Galley - The area used for food storage and service preparation, Gate - A holding area where passengers wait prior to boarding the aircraft, Gear - The landing ____, Ground Power Unit - A portable unit attached to the aircraft while on the ground which provides electrical power to the aircraft when the engines are not operating, Ground Speed - The ____ of an aircraft or flight measured by the distance it travels over the ground taking wind velocity into account , Hangar - A building where airplanes are sheltered during maintenance work and storage , Headwind - A ____ blowing in such a direction that the principle effect is to reduce the ground speed of an airplane in flight, Hubs - The connecting terminals that are served by commuter and major airlines of the same brand or partnership, Initial Operating Experience (IOE) - The time a FA trainee will fly under the supervision of an INFLT trainer, Inboard - Nearest to the aisle, Inflight Final Report (IFR) - Printout given to the FA with premium customer names and other important information, Inflight Hand-Held Device (HHD) - ____ used by the FA to inventory liquor and food. The ____ is also used to process credit card transactions for onboard purchases,
Aviation Terms 31- 61
Vocational / Technical
Flight Attendant
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