1) My cousin, who is a teacher, speaks Spanish. a) non-defining relative clause b) defining relative clause 2) He is a man who likes reading adventure books. a) non-defining relative clause b) defining relative clause 3) Find the correct sentence a) I’m going to Tokyo where is an interesting city in summer. b) I’m going to Tokyo which is an interesting city in summer. 4) Find the correct sentence a) That’s the house where my grandparents live. b) That’s the house when my grandparents live. 5) Find the correct sentence a) This is the man whose dog bit me. b) This is the man which dog bit me. 6) The room, ... he gave me, had a marvelous view. a) who b) which c) where d) whose 7) The place ... we spent most of our time was the swimming pool. a) which b) whose c) who d) where 8) People ... do sports live longer. a) where b) whose c) who d) which 9) My friend Linda, ... father is a TV presenter, wants to do media studies. a) who b) whose c) where d) which 10) Last year I made some new friends. I was visiting my cousins. a) Last year, who I was visiting my cousins, I made some new friends b) Last year, when I was visiting my cousins, I made some new friends c) Last year, where I was visiting my cousins, I made some new friends 11) The museum is free to visit. The exhibition is on there. a) The museum, where the exhibition is on there, is free to visit. b) The museum, which the exhibition is on, is free to visit. c) The museum, where the exhibition is on, is free to visit. 12) My cousin lives near us. She is studying medicine. a) My cousin, that is studying medicine, lives near us. b) My cousin, who she is studying medicine, lives near us. c) My cousin, who is studying medicine, lives near us. d) My cousin, which is studying medicine, lives near us.
Relative pronouns. Defining and non-defining relative clause.
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