INTERDEPENDENCE - How organisms depend on one another in order to survive., ENERGY CYCLE - Is the transfer of energy from producers, to consumers, to decomposers and finally back to the producers. Remember, all energy first came from the sun., PRODUCERS - These are plants! Plants are called producers because they absorb water and sunlight to produce or make their own food., CONSUMERS - These are organisms that must eat other living (or previously living) things. All plant and/or animal eaters are considered consumers., HERBIVORES - These are consumers that only eat plants., OMNIVORES - These are consumers that eat both plants and animals., CARNIVORES - These are the consumers that only eat animals (meat)., PREDATORS - These are animals that hunt, kill, and eat their food in order to survive., PREY - These are the animals that are hunted, killed, and eaten by other animals., FOOD CHAIN - The order of consumption among groups of organisms within one ecosystem., ENVIRONMENT/BIOME - The large surrounding area with a specific climate that contains various living and non-living things that can affect one another's existence., ECOSYSTEM - An area within an environment that can be as big as a forest or as tiny as a puddle where organisms interact., COMMUNITY - All of the living things (plants AND animals) within a particular area, HABITAT - The source of food water and shelter within an ecosystem that the living things need in order to survive., POPULATION - The total number of a group of organisms from the same species in a particular area, BIOSPHERE - All of the living things that exist on Earth, ENDANGERED - When a plant or animal species is in danger of becoming extinct do to a low population, EXTINCTION - When an organism's population is zero, and that species no longer exists, INVASIVE SPECIES - A species that is introduced to an ecosystem from a different ecosystem that causes harm and instability., POLLUTION - The introduction of harmful chemicals and materials which causes instability, discomfort, and harm to the environment., CONSERVATION - The attempt to protect the resources of our environment through introduction of laws, as well as local, national, and global efforts., NATURAL RESOURCES - Something that occurs naturally in the environment for another organism's use., RENEWABLE RESOURCES - A resource that can be replenished within the environment within a relatively short amount of time., NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES - A resource that cannot be replaced, because it takes millions of years to be replenished if at all., FOSSIL FUELS - Oil, natural gas, and coal are some examples of fossilized once living matter. These are non-renewable resources., AUTOTROPH - An organism capable of making its own food (energy) through photosynthesis. Also known as a producer. Green plants, algae, and certain bacteria, HETEROTROPH - An organism that consumes other organisms for food (energy) in a food chain., 1st ORDER (PRIMARY) CONSUMER - In the food chain, an animal that feeds on plants. It is an herbivore., 2nd ORDER (SECONDARY) CONSUMER - In the food chain, an animal that eats primary consumers for food (energy). Secondary consumers can either be carnivores or omnivores., 3rd ORDER (TERTIARY) CONSUMER - At the top of a food chain, an animal that eats herbivores and other carnivores and omnivores.,

Environmental 1, 2 & 3



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