you could help with the ____ . we've got four things on the ____ : Tomatoes, spaghetti, ____ and pepper. first we need tomatoes, pepper. now put them in the trolley! well done! pepper , tomatoes. that's one thing off the list. what's next on the list? that's right George, but it's cold ____ George there are to be died just in the ____ . no , George. the next thing on the list is onions. well done very good . that's nearly everything on our list there's one last thing on the list a plant is that on the list. oh no George the last thing on the list is ____ . never mind George . you can choose the fruit? where is the fruit? there are apples and oranges and bananas and a very big melon. this is the checkout where all the ____ is paid for tomatoes , spaghetti , onions, melon , chocolate cake. cake is that on the list. did you put the chocolate cake in the ____ . no mummies George did you put the ____ in the trolley. no well. I didn't put it in, I thought it might be nice for pudding, daddy pig! no ____ . daddy's, sorry. it just looked so ____

6 class peppa


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