Would you betray a friend for a million dollars?, Would you sacrifice a loved one to save a dozen strangers?, If given the opportunity, would you live your entire life over?, If you could know what other people really thought of you, would you want to know?, If a stranger told you they knew a dark secret about your parents, would you want to find out what it was?, Would you risk your life to save a stranger?, Would you take the blame for a major crime to save a best friend’s life?, If you were adopted, would you want to meet your biological parents?, If you were adopted, would you want to meet your biological parents?, If a stranger offered to give your family 1 million dollars if you go to jail for 10 years, would you do it?, Would you ever start a romantic relationship if you knew for sure you were bound to part ways in three years?, Would you accept your dream job if one of the conditions was not communicating with your family and friends for one year?, Would you accept your dream job if one of the conditions was not communicating with your family and friends for one year?, If you could gain magical powers but lose one of your six senses, would you do it?, Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?, Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?, Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?, Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?, Do you ever look up your coworkers on social media?, Do you like cilantro?, Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?, Can you recite Pi to more than 10 digits?, Can you recite Pi to more than 10 digits?, Have you ever written a song for someone?, Have you ever had stitches?, Can you make a dolphin noise?, Have you ever read a 100 page book?, Do you like to work early in the morning?, Have you ever broken up with someone over text message?, Have you ever dated someone your family did not like?, Do you snore?, Do you like Valentine’s Day?, Could you ever date someone with opposite political views from you?, Do you ever pick your nose when you think nobody is watching?, Have you ever worn underwear two days in a row?, Have you ever lied about having seen a movie?, Do you sing silly songs to your pets?, Have you ever hidden a snack so that nobody else would find it and eat it first?, Do you ever narrate your life inside your head as if you were in a movie?, If a future version of you time traveled to this moment, do you think the two of you would get along?, Do you have an embarrassing nickname?, Have you ever caught yourself telling someone “when I was your age…”, Have you ever lied about your birthday to get a free dessert?, Have you ever cheated at a board game?, Are you secretly an owl inside a human robot?, Have you ever made a ridiculous impulse purchase?, Have you ever told an outrageous lie to a child?, Have you ever stolen from a kid’s Halloween candy stash?, Do you enjoy performing in front of an audience?, Would you rather fly or have super strength?, Expensive presents or homemade presents?, Would you rather travel to the past or to the future?, Do you prefer social time or alone time?, Do you have your own Netflix account or do you use somebody else’s?, What is your go-to karaoke song?, What is the punchline to your favorite joke?, What is the weirdest thing your pet does?, What mythical creature would you believe was real?, What world record do you think you have a shot at beating?, Do you know how to perform a magic trick?, What object do you misplace or lose the most?, What is your go-to snack?.

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