Broad - wide distance from side to side, Scowl - an angry expression on a person's face, Sputter - spitting sounds, proceed in a series of soft explosive sounds , Advantage - a favorable condition or circumstance; an opportunity to benefit or profit , Contribute - to give your time or effort, to help, Brochure - a small pamphlet or booklet that contains information and pictures, Rugged - broken, rocky, uneven terrain (surface); having toughness or strong features, Adorn - make more beautiful or attractive, Frugal - being thrifty, not wanted to spend money, Fleet - a group of ships that sail together, Mischief - playful misbehavior/troublemaking, Frequently - regularly or often, Devious - tricky or dishonest behavior to achieve a goal, Confrontation - a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation, Compromise - an agreement to settle a dispute, Brawn - physical strength, muscle, Achieve - to reach a goal, Ambition - a strong desire to achieve something, Accumulate - gather or acquire an increasing number of something, Bulge - a bump or lump that distorts a flat surface, Expectantly - an excited feeling that something is about to happen, Baffle - confused, bewildered, puzzled,
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