POINT sentence starters: One view to consider... Another view to consider..., To begin with..., One Reason... Another Reason ..., One (dis) advantage... Another (dis) advantage..., One benefit...Another benefit..., EVIDENCE sentence starters (Intro to Quote): According to the text..., The text states..., For example..., The author writes/states..., In the text it states..., ELABORATION sentence starters: This is important because..., This means..., In other words..., To further clarify..., This evidence connects to the idea..., This evidence reveals / describes / tells / shows/..., This___(state type of evidence)__ shows / describes / tells / shows ..., If __ occurs, then __ will happen..., Furthermore..., COUNTERCLAIM cues: Others may believe that..., It can be argued that..., Some people might say..., On the other hand, ..., Opponents disagree because..., RESPONSE to Counterclaim Starters: However,, This is an understandable concern, but..., Others understand..., This argument doesn't take into account..., Although some may think __, others understand ___ ., CONCLUSION sentence starters: In summary..., In conclusion..., Finally..., All in all..., In the end...,



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