alliteration - when a consonant sound is repeated at the beginning of words that are close together, repetition - when a word or phrase is repeated in a short amount of text, simile - a comparison of two unlike things using "like", "as", or "than", metaphor - a comparison of two unlike things in which one is said to be the other, personification - giving a non-human object human-like traits or abilities, direct characterization - when aspects of a character's personality are directly stated by the author or narrator, indirect characterization - when aspects of a character's personality are revealed through their speech, effect on others, actions, or thoughts, internal conflict - when a character struggles with a decision or emotion, external conflict - when a character struggles against any outside force, verbal irony - a character says the exact opposite of what they mean, dramatic irony - the audience knows something the characters do not know, situational irony - when the opposite of what is expected to happen actually happens, noun - a person, place, or thing, verb - an action word, adjective - a word that describes a noun, adverb - a word that describes how a verb is performed, exposition - the first part of a plot that gives information about the characters, conflict, and setting, climax - the turning point of a plot, after which nothing is the same, foreshadowing - clues that hint at what may happen later in the plot,
8R: Final Exam Review
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