la prueba - try outs, te crees en ti mismos - you believe in yourself, creer - to believe, perseguir - to persue, sobrellevar - to endure, bear, correr riesgos - to take risks, expandir - to expand, arriesgar - to risk, fracasar/fallar - to fail, aterrador - frightening, la cancha - the court (sports), evitar - to avoid, desgarrador - heartbreaking, a lo largo - throughout, nivel - level, amable - kind, señalar - to point out, comprensivo - understanding, entrenar - to train, sentimientos - feelings, animar - to encourage, malvada - evil, retar - to challenge, esperanzas - hopes, mejor esfuerzo - best effort, ajustar - to adjust, sonar - to sound, lograr - to achieve, desarrollar - to develop, intentar - to try,

Brain pop: Autoestima p 1



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