1) Where does the hour hand point? a) 12 b) 8 c) 4 2) What is the time shown on the clock? a) 4:30 b) 6:00 c) 5:30 3) One hour later the time would be? a) 8:15 b) 9:15 c) 8:30 4) What is the time shown on the clock ? a) six o'clock b) five minutes past six o'clock c) one thirty 5) Which digital clock shows the same time? a) 12:00 b) 6:00 c) 7:00 6) Which digital clock shows the same time? a) 9:15 b) 3:45 c) 10:30 7) The hour hand is between__________ and __________ ? a) 6 and 7 b) 5 and 6 c) 1 and 2 8) What is the time? a) 20 minutes to 9 b) 8 thirty c) 9 0'clock 9) What is the time on the clock ? a) 12 o'clock b) 10 o'clock c) half pass 12 10) Which clock tells the same time? a) b) c)


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