Financial Systems - Client Information is found in this PS application, Human Resources - Contractor information is found in this PS application, AT&E - Allegis group's time keeping system, Position Employee - Where you can find the pay rate, bill rate, and approving manager for the contractor? , Mileage - MIX is the earn code for what? , CLX - What is the common earn code for Sick Pay?, Account Manager - This producer is in charge of getting the clients. , Recruiter - This person is in charge of finding the talent (contractor)., California - Which state has daily hours and anything over 8 is OT? , Overtime - OT is short for? , 1x - Earn code for regular pay, 2x - Earn code for Overtime? , CRA - Acronym for our Cases personal, Late - Most common adjustment code for late timecards? , My tasks - In onboarding Automations, which tab do you begin at? , ASE - What is the paygroup for ASC?, 120 - The division number for Aerotek Inc - Facilities & Maint? , DPT - Payrgroup for Direct Placement, 100748 - Department number for Customer support? , Corteney - Your fav Floor trainer, Kelsey - Your second fav floor trainer, Friday - Payroll Prep is on which Day? ,
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