Group 1- Good Teamwork Skills: Accomplishes goals and tasks, Soccer Team, Works well together because of cooperation, compromise and collaboration with others., Team member listen to other opinions and ideas., Trust team members, Send group text to all team members., Communicates well to all, Fair and listens to all, Admits when they are wrong and made a mistakes, Bonds with team building exerices., Patience and understanding, Give and Receive feedback, Listens Well, Communicates in a Professional Manner, Reacts Maturely During A Conflict, Involved In Community Events, Networks for the teams in the community, Group 2- Negative Teamwork Skills: Never completes goals or tasks, Never worked as a team player in sports., Will not cooperate with team members., Will not listen to anyone on the team., Sends a group text to some of the team not all., Communicates to some and ignore others., Not Fair only listen to a few people., Never wrong, everyone else is wrong, Does not bond or try to bond with team building., Pushy and in a hurry to complete work, Never wants to hear feedback from team, Never listens, Cloudy Directions, Very Unprofessional Mannerisms, Reacts Very Negatively When There Is A Conflict., Never Has Time For The Community, Networks with no one.,
Teamwork Skill
Vocational / Technical
Human Service
Life Skills
Social studies
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on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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