1) They ......... TV a) watched b) did watch c) watche 2) The children .............. in the garden a) playd b) played c) plaied 3) The bus ........... in the bus stop a) stoped b) stopped c) did stop 4) The boy ............ for the test a) didn't study b) didn't studied c) studyed 5) .......... you ................ yesterday? a) Did / worked b) Did / work 6) We ............ our house last weekend a) clean b) cleanned c) cleaned

Simple past (regular verbs)


TV-visailu on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

Visuaalinen tyyli


Vaihda mallia

Säilytetäänkö automaattisesti tallennettu tehtävä ?