salmonella - raw meat, milk, eggs, poultry, pets. rodents, terrapins, flies, sewage/water, clostridium perfingens - animal & human waste, soil on veg, dust, insects & raw meat, staphylococcus aureus - nose, mouth, skin, boils & cuts. Raw milk from cows or goats, clostridium botulinum - soil, fish, meat & vegetables, bacillus cereus - cereals, especially rice, dust, soil, campylobacter - raw meat, eggs, poultry, norovirus - foods handled by people who are ill, raw shellfish, soft fruit, E-Coli 0157 - the guts of the animal and humans, raw and undercooked meats, raw vegetables (soil). Can survive in the fridge , listeria  - fish, meat, vegetables, salad vegetables (soil). Can multiply at low temperatures in the fridge ,


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