Nicotine - The addictive drug found in tobacco., Heart - A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body., Cilia - Hairlike projections that extend from the plasma membrane often paralyzed by Tobacco use., Emphysema - A condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness., Tobacco - One of the major risk factors for heart disease, Addiction - A physiological or psychological dependence on a drug, Carbon Monoxide - colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns, Withdrawal - A group of symptoms that occur when a dependent person stops taking a drug, Psychological Dependence - A condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally, Tar - A thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns, Cardiac - Referring to the heart, Pulmonary - Pertaining to the lungs, Stimulant - Classification of Nicotine, Nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide - Chemicals in Tobacco, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Stroke, Hypertension, Lung Cancer, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema - Long-term effects of smoking, Peer pressure, Cool, Curiosity, Parents, To rebel, Fit-in, Stress - Why teens would start smoking, coughing, headache, dizziness, dulls taste buds, shortness of breath, dry mouth, nausea - Short-term effects of smoking, Alveoli - air sacs in the lungs which are severely damaged by the poisons in Tobacco,
Tobacco and Addiction Terms
6th Grade
Health Ed
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