1. Behaviorism is a reaction to what therapies?, 2. Name the 5 psychologists considered to be the founders of behavior psychotherapy, 3. What psychologist studied the effects of modeling using a doll?, 4. What is the primary goal of behavioral therapy?, 5. What are the 4 conditions of classical conditioning?, 6. What is generalization?, 7. What is differentiation?, 8. What behavioral technique is used to treat anxiety by repeatedly exposing the client to the fear stimulus in graduating intensities until the client no longer experiences the fear response?, 9. What is the exposure therapy that couples relaxation training with exposure to the fear stimulus?, 10. What is operant conditioning?, 11. What are the 4 types of consequences in operant conditioning?, 12. What is extinction?, 13. What is shaping?, 14. What is the most empirically testable form of therapy?, 15. Behaviorists do not believe in explaining disorder through_______________?, 16. Why does exposure response prevention (ERP) work?, 17. What is the goal of operant conditioning?, 18. How does using contingency management alter behavior?, 19. Describe the behavioral techniques used based on classical conditioning, 20. True or False: Behavior therapy believes in the unconscious mind?, 21. Name two examples in which you would use operant conditioning in therapy?, 22. What is behavioral activation?, 23. Systematic desensitization is often used for __________ disorders., 24. True or False: behavior therapies may be the most empirically testable forms of therapy., 25. How well does behavior therapy work?, 26. True or False: shaping is best used for changing behaviors that are complex, challenging, or novel for the client, 27. When did behavior therapy originate?, 28. Systematic desensitization is often used to treat____________., 29. Two alternatives to behavior therapy are__________., 30. Name techniques that are used based on operant conditioning (6 answers).
Clinical Counseling Wheel of Fortune
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