plasma - the fluid part of the blood, Red blood cells - carry oxygen, while white blood cells - defend the body against infection by bacteria, viruses, and other diseases., Leeches - segmented worm that belongs to the phylum Annelida; has two suckers; is predominantly a blood sucker that feeds on blood from an animal host., Science - way of gaining knowledge about the natural world that depends on evidence, reasoning, and repeated testing., blood vessel - long, tube-like organ that forms part of the complex network of vessels that run through the body and transport blood to all the body’s cells., antibodies - large, Y-shaped protein produced by B cells that binds to an antigen, a protein that is recognized as foreign., cancer - disease in which cells grow out of control, usually because of mutations in genes that control the cell cycle., Lymphocytes - type of white blood cell involved in an immune system response to a specific pathogen; examples include B cell or T cell., parasites - species that benefits and harms a host in a parasitic relationship., pathogens - disease-causing agent such as a bacterium, virus, fungus, or protozoan., bacteria - single-celled prokaryotic organism that is a member of the Bacteria domain., viruses - tiny particle that contains DNA or RNA surrounded by a coat of proteins that can evolve and use living cells to reproduce, but is not considered a living organism by many scientists., lymphatic system - system of the body consisting of organs, vessels, nodes, and lymph that produces lymphocytes and filters pathogens from body fluids., bone marrow - soft connective tissue in spongy bone that produces blood cells.,
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