He often listens to his favourite Google podcasts., They sometimes do my math homework for me., Does Peter have a driving license?, I am totally mad about tennis!, What does she do to break a bad habit?, Ivan is rarely very talkative., Do you keep in touch with your immediate family?, I don't take sugar in my tea., How often does she meet her friends?, My sister occasionally walks the dog in the evening., Do you speak Ukrainian fluently? , Iva hardly ever helps his father in the kitchen., Where do you go if you want to hang out with your friends?, I don't go jogging in the morning., How much time do spend on the internet?, I seldom eat meat because I want to become a vegetarian. , What time does Mary go to the gym?, I eat vegetables and fruits every day., Do you know how to save time?, Sometimes I'm down and feeling blue., How often do teens check their social media?, I hardly ever watch Netflix in the morning., Are you always late? , She helps occasionally her little brother with his homework., Does Masha want some coffee?, I rarely take a shower before breakfast. , I think we should try to make a difference and help the volunteers. ,
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