PRIMARY. - Businesses that take raw materials from the ground agriculture, farming, fishing and mining , SECONDARY. - Businesses that use the raw materials and make something with them builder, car manufacturer and joiner. , TERTIARY. - Businesses that provide a service hotel, hospital and supermarket. , PRIVATE ORGANISATIONS - Sole trader, Partnerships, Private limited company. , PUBLIC ORGANISATIONS. - National government, Local government organisations. , THIRD ORGANISATIONS. - Non- profit organisations, Social enterprise. , SURVIVAL. - To continue on trading. , PROFIT. - To have more income that costs. , PROVISION OF A SERVICE. - To provide people with a service that they want. , CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. - To make the customer happy and to encourage them to come back. , ENTERPRISE. - To combine all the resources together to make a product the customers want. , SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. - To be seen in a positive way by the public by not harming the environment or community. , MARKET SHARE. - To increase the number of customers you have or to be known as the market leader. , POLITICAL. - Influences the government has on the business, taxes. , ECONOMICAL. - Anything that convinces the customer to spend money or not. , SOCIAL. - Changing in fashion, trends, taste and values. , TECHNOLOGICAL. - How the modern tech has an influence, online shopping. , ENVIROMENTAL. - Weather and businesses doing better at different times of the year. , COMPETITIVE. - Another business offering the same or similar products., OWNERS - People who started the business. , SHAREHOLDERS - People who have bought shares into the business. , EMPLOYEES - People who work for the business. , BANKS - The organisations that provide the business with financial service. , CUSTOMERS - People who buy goods and services from a business., SUPPLIERS - the organisations that provide raw materials to the business., LOCAL COMMUNITY - Group of people who live near the organisation. , PRESSURE GROUPS - People who are trying to influence other organisations. , LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Governments that have a specific responsibility for things is a specific area., NATIONAL GOVERNMENT - Government organisations that have an overall responsibility for what happens in the uk. ,
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