ὁ, ἡ, το - the, ἀλλα - but, διοτι - because, ἐπει - when, since, ἐπειτα - then, next, και - and, ὡς - as, δέκα - ten, δυο - two, πέντε - five, ἀρα; - (introduces a question), γαρ - for, δε - but, and, μεντοι - however, οὐν - therefore, μεν ... δε - on the one hand... on the other hand... (expresses contrast), τε ... και - both ... and, ἀπο (+gen) - from, εἰς + acc - into, ἐκ (ἐξ) (+gen) - out of, ἐν (+dat) - in, μετα (+acc) - after, προς + acc - towards,

Greek to GCSE Chapters 1-4 Vocabulary: Particles, Conjunctions, Numbers etc.


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