1) Dylan and Shelby bought a puppy yesterday from the pound. a) Dylan, Shelby b) puppy, pound c) Dylan, puppy d) Shelby, pound 2) Shelby wanted to name the dog "Bubbles" and get its collar inscribed. a) Shelby, dog b) dog, Bubbles c) dog, collar d) Bubbles, collar 3) Dylan and Shelby got into an argument over their choices. a) Dylan, Shelby b) Dylan, argument c) Shelby, choices d) argument, choices 4) He thought of naming the puppy "Bear" because it looks like a bear. a) puppy, Bear b) puppy, bear c) Bear, bear d) naming, bear 5) Shelby did not want to get into a fight, but she disliked his suggestion. a) Shelby, fight b) Shelby, suggestion c) fight, suggestion d) fight, disliked 6) Finally, their mother offered an alternative. a) mother, alternative b) mother, offered c) finally, alternative d) offered, alternative 7) How about solving the problem by calling the hyper creature "Dash"? a) problem, creature b) solving, problem c) creature, Dash d) hyper, Dash 8) "He does love to play chase," the kids noted. a) love, play b) play, noted c) chase, kids d) kids, noted 9) Dylan and Shelby called to their new friend, who came running with his tail wagging. a) Dylan, Shelby b) friend, wagging c) Shelby, friend d) friend, tail
Identify the TWO COMMON NOUNS in each sentence.
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