Explain / Instruct: "Spicy Lamb Samosas - A quick and easy recipe", "Sony P55 Digital Camera - Quick Start User Guide", "To use the washing machine, insert 4 x £1 coins" - A sign in a hostel laundry room., Entertain: "Lord of the Rings - A novel by JRR Tolkien", "The Amazing Spiderman" - A comic book, A magazine article: "Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton Enjoy Double Date With Prince Harry and Prince William", Persuade: A sign on the street: "Free Milkshake when you order any large Pizza: Come inside!", A leaflet in the GP: "The dangers of smoking", A love letter including this line: "You really should marry me; I would be your perfect partner and a great parent...", Describe: A police statement: "The attacker was tall, with grey hair and blue-green eyes", A travel magazine article: "Broadway Market is busy on Saturdays. There are stalls selling food from all over the world and hundreds of trendy shoppers", An insurance statement: "I was driving down Mare Street at 20-25 miles per hour when a large dog ran out in front of my car.", Inform: A bank statement: "June 2018: Total Credits: £512.22. Total Debits: £520.42. Balance £15.15", A sign at a bus stop: "N26 to Trafalgar Square - Every 12 minutes: 0112- 0548", A map in a shopping centre: "You Are Here", Warn: A triangle shaped sign on the road: "School Safety Zone" with a picture of children, A letter from your college: "If your attendance does not improve, you may be asked to leave", A label on a cleaning liquid: "Danger- keep out of reach of children", Invite: An email from a friend: "Please visit London and stay with us in Hackney at Christmas. You can have the spare room"., A text message: "Come to my party!", A card: "Save the date: We're getting Married!", Complain: A letter to a hotel: "The room was dirty and the traffic noise was terrible from 6 am", An email to a senior manager : "The supervisor only ever asks me to clean the toilets: There are 3 of us in the cleaning team and the others never do it", A note from a neighbour: "Your music was so loud last night. My kids couldn't sleep at all!",
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