fine, jokes, fake, , shares, prizes, fins, rules, shame, dresses, votes, rubbed, store , shrinks, popped, , buzzes, betting, noses, country we came from, moved to a nice home, still lives with us, likes school very much, grades are all fine, two prizes in school, , gave us new names, walk every day, have to do chores, do my homework, a fine life now, American games and jokes, hissing, hating , , chimes, snakes, driving, frame, wiring, , tapping, saving, taping, many women in the hall, only one woman in the hall, spines, sliding, snoring, , filed, filing, filled, filling, griped, griping, gripped, gripping, hopped, hoping, hopped, hopping, moped, moping, mopped, mopping, ridding, riding, riper, ripper, robbed, robed, diner, dinner, piling, quakes, , am waking up, driving me to school, riding and watching kids, staring at me , I'm shaking, is sharing her snack, hoping I can sit, using a skill , , no one is hiring , still is hoping, get a job and is saving, like this country then , every day is looking, both women are good.

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