1) What’s the time? a) It’s five o’clock. b) Yes, please. c) No, he sleeps in a bed. d) Yes, it has. 2) When do you have lunch? a) I’m reading a comic. b) Yes, there are. c) At ten o’clock. d) They’re Sasha’s. 3) Does Oleg like snails? a) No, I’m tired. b) No, he doesn’t. c) I like doing athletics. d) Yes, she does. 4) Has your town got a playground? a) Yes, it has. b) No, there isn’t. c) It’s five o’clock. d) They’re Sasha’s. 5) Does Mila like parrots? a) I like doing athletics. b) No, there isn’t. c) Yes, she does. d) It’s mine. 6) Does Vlad sleep on the floor? a) No, he sleeps in a bed. b) It’s mine. c) Yes, she does. d) It’s five o’clock. 7) Are there any grapes in the kitchen? a) No, he doesn’t. b) Yes, there are. c) Yes, please. d) At ten o’clock. 8) Is there any milk? a) It’s mine. b) No, there isn’t. c) Yes, she does. d) I like doing athletics. 9) Whose shoe is this? a) It’s mine. b) I’m reading a comic. c) No, he doesn’t. d) Yes, it has. 10) Are you excited? a) At ten o’clock. b) Yes, there are. c) No, there isn’t. d) No, I’m tired. 11) Whose trousers are those? a) No, he sleeps in a bed. b) It’s five o’clock. c) They’re Sasha’s. d) Yes, it has. 12) Would you like some water? a) Yes, there are. b) Yes, please. c) It’s mine. d) It’s five o’clock. 13) What are you doing? a) I’m reading a comic. b) Yes, there are. c) They’re Sasha’s. d) No, he doesn’t. 14) What sport do you like doing? a) No, there isn’t. b) I’m reading a comic. c) I like doing athletics. d) At ten o’clock.
Questions and answers_sm2_AEROPLANE
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