In the next 24 hours, do you think you will eat some junk food?, In the next 24 hours, do you think you will walk in a park?, In the next 24 hours, do you think you will tell someone you love them?, In the next 24 hours, do you think you will use a computer?, In the next 24 hours, do you think you will drink more than three cups of coffee?, In the next 7 days, do you think you will cry?, In the next 7 days, do you think you will buy something new to wear?, In the next 7 days, do you think you will sleep less than five hours one night?, In the next 7 days, do you think you will forget to do something important?, In the next 7 days, do you think you will tell a lie?, In the next 12 months, do you think you will buy a car?, In the next 12 months, do you think you will lose weight or gain weight?, In the next 12 months, do you think you will visit another country?, In the next 12 months, do you think you will move house?, In the next 12 months, do you think you will start a new hobby?, In the next 12 years, do you think you will start or end a relationship?, In the next 12 years, do you think you will have children?, In the next 12 years, do you think you will live in another country?, In the next 12 years, do you think you will be happier than now?, In the next 12 years, do you think you will learn a foreign language?.
will/may/might speaking (speakout pre-intermediate 6)
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