True: Deep Breathing is a good coping skill. , Asking for help is helpful. , It is ok to say no when something makes you uncomfortable. , Laying on the ground or floor can help you calm down. , Listening to music can help you relax. , Self-check ins are important. , Self-affirmations build confidence. , Talking to a trusted friend or adult is a good way to sort out feelings. , Visualization is using your imagination to see things. , Worry is using your imagination to create things you do not want. , Frustration leads to anger if you don't use a coping skill. , Having a hobby is healthy. , Ask your parents if you can take a break if you're becoming upset. , Self-awareness is being able to understand your feelings and your behaviors. , A sleep routine will help you feel your best. , Dancing is a fun way to shake off bad energy., Exercise is good for your body and your mind. , Mindful Breathing can help you relax. , Self-affirmations will boost your self-confidence. , Spending time with a good friend is a healthy habit. , Forgiving others is a sign of strength., False: Ignoring your parents is a good coping skill. , Eating sweets is a good coping skill. , Saying no to your parents when they ask you for help is ok. , Telling other peoples secrets is ok. , The red zone is good. , The green zone is dangerous. , Making fun of people is a good way to feel better. , There is no such thing as too much screen time. , You can walk away from your parents to cool off when they make you mad. , Everybody feels the same way about the same things. , Staying up late is healthy., Video games are good for your mental health., You should break things when you are angry., You should ignore warning signs like frustration, stress and anger. , Forgiving others is a sign of weakness., Staying in bed all day is healthy., Staying indoors all day will make you feel better. , Exercise is a bad habit. , If somebody is mean, you should be mean too. , Donuts and soda are good choices. ,
True/False Social Emotional Skills
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