Genetics - the study of how heritable characteristics are determined and passed from parents to offspring, Trait - the characteristic of a trait that is expressed the specific observable form of an inherited characteristic, such as tall for height, pink for flower color, or smooth for seed texture , Dominant - whether the trait is passed on from one or both parents, Recessive - the characteristic of a trait that is never expressed in the presence of a dominant trait, and is ex, Homologous Chromosomes - chromosomes of the same type, which have the same form and the same genes, but not necessarily the same alleles for any given gene, Homozygous - having two identical alleles for a gene being considered, Heterozygous - having two different alleles for a gene being considered, genes - Sections of DNA, or a very small part of a chromosome. Each gene typically contains the code for a single protein. Altogether, these genes contain the specific patterns of information that control all the activities and characteristics of an organism, Alleles - TT, Tt, tt, mutagens - something that causes a mutation, such as radiation or a chemical substance, Gregor Mendel - Father of Genetics, Punnett squares, Genotype - the particular alleles present in an organism for a character or set of characters (YY, Yy, yy), Phenotype - observable trait of an organism (eye color, hair color), homozygous dominant - TT, homozygous recessive - tt, Heterozygous dominant - Tt, pure breed - TT, tt, hybrid - Tt, monohybrid cross,
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