Describe the project you are currently working on: your role and responsibilities, its milestones, setbacks, risks, a team and project management., Talk about your favourite gadget you can't live without. Describe its specifications and benefits and why it has become so special for you., Imagine you have just joined a new company. Make a short presentation of yourself to your new team., Think of any job. List 3-5 things the person needs to do (job responsibilities) and skills that the person needs to have in order to do the job efficiently., Think of a local Ukrainian product or brand and how you can customise it to the foreign market. Think of a country you would like to place it and your marketing strategy and product promotion in the new market. , There is a saying in business: 'the customer is always right'. Do you agree with that? Is the customer right in each case? What to do if the customer is not right? Give your arguments., Talk about prioritising tasks. How do you set priorities to tasks? How good are you at setting priorities?.




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