Input - Information that a user physically enters into a computer by pressing a key on a keyboard, clicking a mouse, tapping a touch screen, pushing a button on a game controller, speaking into a microphone, etc., Processing - The operations performed by a computer to retrieve, transform, or classify information., Output - Information that a computer returns to a user such as images on a screen, sounds from speakers, and printed pages., Storage - The saving of information on memory chips, discs, or other storage media by a computer for later use., Hollerith's Tabulating Machine - An early computing machine that used punched cards and metal pins. It was used to compile the 1890 US census., Transistor - A smaller, faster, cheaper, and more durable electronic device that replaced mechanical relays, which were slow and tended to wear down over time., Microchip - An electronic device that allowed entire computers to be built into a single board, replacing modules for each part of the computer., World Wide Web - A system for making digital resources publicly available over the internet using a web browser that paved the way for email, chat rooms, and social media sites., Smartphone - A mobile phone that functions as a computer and allows users to access the internet., Supercomputers - The fastest, most powerful computers that exist at a given time. These computers have processing capabilities designed to solve problems that are too complex for regular computers. They play vital roles in the advancement of national defense, science, and social change, Human-computer Interaction - A field of study that looks at how computers and other kinds of technology interact with humans.,
2.2 Introduction to Computers
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