What do you think of the fashion industry?, Are you a fashion victim / slave to fashion?, Would you like to be a fashion model?, How does fashion affect our lives?, How important is fashion today compared with in the past?, What do you think of the fact that what’s in fashion lasts just a short time, then we have to spend more money on the next “in” things?, What are the bad things about fashion?, Is fashion only for beautiful people?, Do you have your own fashion or follow the crowds?, What area of fashion interests you most - clothes, hair, cosmetics, shoes, accessories, etc.?, Could you date someone who has a terrible sense of style/fashion?, Tell me about the most fashionable people you know?, What do you think of the fashion in other countries?, What do you think is the best decade / era for fashion?, How would you describe your fashion?, What is your favorite style to wear?, Do you read fashion magazines?, Which season is it the easiest to be fashionable?, Can you be fashionable without spending money?, How much do you spend getting ready to go to school/work?, When and where did you buy an article of clothing you're wearing right now? Why did you choose it?, What would you do or feel if you were refused entry to somewhere because of what you are wearing?, What is your favorite article of clothing?, What two things you wouldn't wear together?, What style would a trendy young woman wear?, What would you never wear to a wedding?, What material is uncomfortable in summer?, Describe the most expensive thing you own., Who decides which clothes are fashionable?, How long does it take you to decide which clothes to wear?, Do you ever think other people look good in their clothes but you don’t look good in your clothes?.
Speaking: Fashion, style, clothes
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