1) فَوْقَ a) with b) behind, beyond c) above d) each, all, every, the whole 2) تحت a) between b) below c) above d) right in front of 3) دُونَ a) below b) in front of c) Besides, Other than d) other than 4) قَبْلَ a) before b) some, some of c) right in front of d) above 5) بعد a) right in front of b) especially from c) after d) some, some of 6) بينَ a) some, some of b) after c) between d) which, any 7) عِنْدَ a) above b) behind c) With, at, has, by/ beside d) right in front of 8) مَعَ a) with b) With, at, has, by/ beside c) which, any d) above 9) حَولَ a) Around, surrounding b) some, some of c) Besides, Other than d) below 10) أمَامَ a) some, some of b) right in front of c) before d) in front of 11) َخَلْفَ a) especially from b) behind c) With, at, has, by/ beside d) Around, surrounding 12) لَدُنْ a) before b) in front of c) especially from d) behind 13) قُدَّامَ a) below b) which, any c) in front of d) right in front of 14) وَرآَءَ a) in front of b) behind, beyond c) with d) behind 15) بعضُ a) some, some of b) behind, beyond c) each, all, every, the whole d) after 16) كُلُّ a) each, all, every, the whole b) right in front of c) before d) in front of 17) غيرُ a) With, at, has, by/ beside b) with c) other than d) in front of 18) اَيُّ a) other than b) which, any c) between d) above
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