What's your favorite movie?, What is the best moment in your life?, What was your favorite school subject?, Do you have any pets?, Are you a morning person or a night person?, What's your favorite animal?, What's your favorite ice cream flavor?, Where is your favorite place to get food from?, What's your favorite kind of pizza?, Imagine you are a hero. What superpower would you have?, What's your favorite drink?, In a movie about your life, what could be the name (title)?, What is the best dish you cook?, What movie star would you like to be?, Who is your favorite superhero?, What is the food you really do not like to eat?, How tall would you like to be?, What name would you like to have?, What other major (career) do you like?, Do you prefer to eat a fruit or a vegetable?, Do you have any siblings (brothers/sisters)?, What pet do you want to have?, What is your favorite outdoor activity?, What's your favorite thing to do at home?, What is the best gift you have received in your life?, What is something you're really good at?, What is the best thing about the UAO?, What's your favorite snack?, What sport would you like to practice?, What is your favorite place to visit in Colombia?, What kind of books do you read?, Do you prefer online or face-to-face classes?, Will you get the COVID-19 vaccine?, When do you want to get married?, How many hours do you spend on the cellphone?, How many hours do you spend on Netflix?.
First Day of Class - Icebreaker
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