Compensation - Nurse with low self-esteem works double shifts so that her supervisor will like her, Conversion - Teenager is forbidden to see X-Rated movies, but is tempted to do so by her friends. The teenager develops blindness and is unconcerned about her loss of sight, Denial - A diabetic eating chocolate, or Spending money when broke, Displacement - A man is mad at his boss, but yells at his wife., Dissociation - Amnesia that prevents recall of yesterday's auto accident., Fixation - Never learning to delay gratification., Identification - A nursing student becomes a critical care nurse because that is the profession of a clinical instructor she admires, Intellectualization - A person shows no emotional expression when discussing a seriosu care accident, Introjection - Person who dislikes guns becomes an avid hunter, just like their best friend, Projection - A man has thoughts about same-gender relationships but never had one, and beats up a man that is gay, Rationalization - Student blames her failure on the teacher for being mean., Reaction Formation - A women who never wanted to have children becomes a super mom., Regression - A 5-year-old asks for a bottle, when their new baby brother is being fed., Repression - Women has no memory of the mugging she suffered yesterday., Resistance - Nurse is too busy with tasks to spend time talking to a dying patient., Sublimination - Person who quits smoking sucks on hard candy when the urge to smoke arises., Substitution - Woman who would like to have her own children opens a day care center, Suppression - Student decides not to think about a parent's illness to study for a test., Undoing - Person who cheats on a spouse brings the spouse a bouquet of flowers,
EXAMPLES of Defense Mechanisms #1
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