ergonomics - science of designing workplaces to make specific body movements more comfortable, efficient, and safe, personal grooming - caring for parts of the body and maintaining an overall polished look, personal hygiene - daily maintenance and cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits, physical presentation - your posture, as well as the way you walk and move, professional image - impression you project through your outward appearance and your conduct in the workplace, client consultation - determines what the client's needs are and how to achieve the desired results, client intake form - includes client contact information, products they use, hair/nail/skin care needs, preferences and lifestyle, effective communication - sharing information between two people (or groups of people) so that the information is successfully understood, reflective listening - listening to the client and then repeating what the client is telling you, service record card - client's permanent progress record of services received, results, formulations, and products purchased or used,

Cosmetology Chapters 3 and 4


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