1) you thought 2) Incorrect 3) keep trying 4) your never gonna get them at this point 5) you really suck at this 6) nope 7) try again 8) this is sad 9) are u cheating? 10) this is tiring 11) just give up 12) might as well just buy them 13) WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!!! 14) YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET THEM 15) ARE NOT GOING TO GET THEM 16) NOT GOING TO GET THEM 17) GOING TO GET THEM 18) TO GET THEM 19) GET THEM 20) THEM 21) you didnt won a iphone 19 first you have to look at #31 22) no 23) no 24) no 25) no 26) no 27) no 28) no 29) what 30) no 31) you didn't won the jet blaster 3000  32) nope 33) nop 34) nah 35) nopeeee 36) You didn't actaully win them we were joking 💀 37) here is $3 38) no 39) nope 40) incorrect 41) no 42) sad 43) stop 44) I don't know what to say at this point 45) this whole thing is just wasting your time

Win a free iPhone 19 or Jet Blaster 3000



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