abrupt - Happening suddenly, without warning , Achieve - To do what one sets out to do., achieve - Something done that takes skill or effort , Attempt - to try; to make an effort , attempt - a try , contempt - a feeling that someone or something is bad or unworthy , Entertain - to interest and amuse , entertain. - to have guests , entertain - to have in mind , Glimpse - to get a quick look at , glimpse - a quick or hasty look, Mock - to make fun of , mock - not real; pretend , persist. - to keep on doing or trying , Persist - to go on , persisT - sticking to something; not giving up , persist - refusing to give up , Persuade - to win someone over by arguing or asking , persuade - having the power to persuade , phase - a stage in a series of changes , quaint - odd or unusual in a pleasing or old fashioned way , Recall - to remember , recall - to call or take back , Reject - to refuse to accept or use , reject - something that falls short of what is acceptable , Revise - to go over carefully in order to correct or improve , revise - to change in order to bring up to date , Sensitive - quick to notice or feel , sensitive - easily affected by even slight change ,
Wordly Wise Lesson 5
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on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.
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