Size of the Problem: You are running behind on the way to school, Size of the Problem: You and your friend were suppose to hang out but he/she had to cancel, Size of the Problem: A classmate keeps making noises while the teacher is talking, Size of the Problem: You got a tiny scratch on your Chromebook, Size of the Problem: You drop your cell phone in water and now it doesn't work, Size of the Problem: You want to watch a video on Youtube, but Youtube is blocked, What is bright orange with green on top and sounds like parrot, I'm tall when I'm young, I'm short when I'm old, and every Halloween, I bring a jack-o-lantern life. What am I?, What can you catch but not throw?, I am often following you and copying your every move. Yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I?, What has hands but can not clap? What am I?, What has legs but doesn't walk? What am I?, What types of roads do ghost like to drive on? What am I?, I'm always on the dinner table but you can't eat me? What am I?, Problem Solve: Someone is humming behind you!, Problem Solve: The internet went out!, Problem Solve: Someone is talking about seriously hurting someone?, Problem Solve: It's raining and you can't go to the beach!, Problem Solve: You trip and drop your lunch on the floor!, Problem Solve: You lost your phone and can't find it anywhere!, Reasoning: Grandma is coming to visit on the weekend. Dad says she doesn't like to sleep on anything narrow. Will you set up a sofa bed or cot?, Name 5 things that are hot!, Name 5 things you see at Halloween!, Name 3 things you can do with a pumpkin!.
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