It's late. We ___________ go home now. - must , ___________ you play the Pokemon World Online when you were seven?  - could, I am very tired. I ___________ take a nap. - should , ___________ I offer you a suggestion? - May, The temperature is getting colder. It ___________ snow tonight.  - may , You ___________ drink water from the river! - shouldn't, That pokemon baby ___________ walk because he hasn't hatched yet.  - can't , I ___________ prefer to live alone than with a roommate.  - would , I ___________ get into the bathroom and wash my hands because the doors were locked. - couldn't , It's ok! You ___________ do any homework today! - don't have to , I ___________ speak English fluently after studying for several years.  - can, I ___________ faint if I ever see a ghost. - might, People _____ steal from stores ! - must not, Pokemon _____ eat if they don't want to.  - don't have to,

Pokemon Modals Quiz


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