1) How many sections are allowable for the state board haircut? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 2) Which haircut do you do first? a) 0° b) 45° c) 90° d) 180° 3) True or False: The front of the 0° haircut should be angled. a) True b) False 4) What type of partings should be used when doing the 90° layered cut? a) horizontal b) diagonal c) vertical 5) A __________ guide is one that moves with you to cut the next section. a) stationary b) traveling c) spacial over direction 6) How long should your haircut be when completed? a) Minimum: 5" b) Maximum: 6" c) Mimimum: 6" d) Maximum: 7" e) Minimum: 7" f) Maximum: 8" 7) When prompted by the examiner, you will continue the 90° layered haircut on up to two sections using __________. a) a razor b) scissors c) clippers d) thinning shears 8) When prompted by the examiner to demonstrate decreasing the bulk, what tools are acceptable to do this? a) razor b) scissors c) clippers d) thinning shears 9) How do you indicate to the examiner that you are finished with your haircut? a) Raise your hand b) Step back from your work c) Say "I'm finished." d) Put your tools down. 10) What do you do if you cut yourself? a) apply pressure with a disposable towel b) report to the examiner c) use blood contaminations kit to dispose of waste d) apply a band-aid e) clean shears/razor with alcohol pad f) run cold water on the cut

NYS Hair Cutting Techniques


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