דְּבוֹרָה - A judge who led the Israelites into battle against their oppressors and led t0 40 years of victory., יִרְמְיָה - Prophet who laments both impending catastrophe that God will inflict and his own life and its issues in the 1st temple period., יְהוֹשֻׁעַ - Moses’ successor who led the Israelites into the promised land when Moses died., יְחֶזְקֵאל - Prophet famous for symbolically performing and enacting prophecies, calls for a 2nd Temple, and responsibility., יְשַׁעְיָהוּ - Prophet who rebukes the people for insincere ritual and abandoning God, calls for change, and comforts the people with a vision of a better day, שְׁמוּאֵל - Prophet who helped institute the kingship and denounced Saul, choosing David., חַנָּה - Parent of Samuel who is blessed by God and devotes Samuel to a life of God., חֲבַקּוּק - Prophet who charged God to explain the success of the Babylonians., דָּוִד - King of Israel, harpist, and poet who establishes Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol after defeating Goliath, bringing the ark of the covenant into the city., שְׁלֹמֹה - King of Israel, known for wisdom and building the first Temple., אֵלִיָּהוּ - Prophet who performed miracles as a reward for righteousness and faith, went to heaven in a chariot of fire., אֱלִישָׁע - Elijah’s student, performed many miracles from saving a king to helping a widow pay debts., זְכַרְיָה - Prophet with visions of angels and the end of days., חַגַּי - Prophet who calls for the 2nd Temple to be urgently built., מִיכָה - Prophet who berates Israel and its leadership for insincere ritual worship, corruption, and oppression of the poor., הוֹשֵׁעַ - Prophet who rebukes Israel for turning away from God, comparing the relationship to unfaithful spouses., יוֹאֵל - Prophet who helps people recover from a locust plague, calling for repentance and prayer., יוֹנָה - Prophet who runs away from God when told to go to Nineveh, swallowed by a whale.,
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