Can you help me, please?, Where can I buy stamps?, Why should I call her?, Who could do me a favor?, How can I get to the station?, Could I open the window?, Why must I cook every day?, Who should tidy up?, Where shall we go for lunch?, May I ask you a personal question?, Who is your wife speaking to?, Where is he studying English?, Have you ever been abroad?, When are you coming to visit him?, How are they doing?, Is he watching TV in the living room?, What is she wearing today?, Could you explain to me how this feature works?, Is she going to call?, Where would you like to go?, What would you like to change in your life?, Would you like something to eat?, What instrument would you like to play?, Will you tell me what happened?, Have you ever met a celebrity?, What have you been doing all day long?, Have you scheduled your holiday yet?, Have you ever considered moving abroad?, Why were you shouting at him?, What was he doing when you called?,
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