1Applaud - To Show approval, especially by clapping hands. , Applause - The showing of approval or enjoyment by cheering or clapping. , Crafty - Skilled at tricking others., Disclose - To make known. , Drab - Dull and without color; not cheerful or colorful , Entire - Having nothing left out; whole ;complete, exclaim - To speak suddenly and with strong feeling. , exclamation - A sharp cry of strong feeling. , exquisite - Finely Done or made; very beautiful, intend - to plan; to have in mind. , intention - an aim, plan, or purpose. , jeer - to speak or cry out in scorn; to mock , peer - to look closely; to stare, especially at something that is hard to see or to understand. , 1progress - moving toward a goal , 2Progress - An improvement , 3Progress - to move forward. , 4Progress - To advance to a higher stage; to improve. , Refine - To make pure by removing all unwanted matter. , 1refined - In a pure state, 2refined - Having good manner and good taste. , scoundrel - A mean or wicked person, uneasy - Not comfortable; worried or nervous , Vain - Having too high an opinion of one's looks or achievements. , 2Vain - Without success. , in vain - without success or result; useless.,
Wordly Wise Lesson 6
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