1) What is precipitation? a) water vapor b) heat c) water that falls from the sky d) water forms a cloud 2) What are clouds made of? a) cotton b) tiny droplets of water c) nothing d) air 3) What does evaporation mean? a) water falls from the sky b) water is frozen c) drinking water d) water is heated by the sun and becomes a vapor 4) Which process occurs when water vapor cools and turns back into a liquid? a) water vapor b) cloud c) condensation d) science 5) What type of cloud is puffy like a cotton ball and can be seen on clear, nice days? a) nimbus b) cirrus c) cumulus d) stratus 6) What type of cloud is wispy and very high in the sky where it is cold? a) nimbus b) cirrus c) cumulus d) stratus 7) What type of cloud can be seen on cold, rainy days, looks like fog and appears when the sky is gray? a) nimbus b) cirrus c) cumulus d) stratus 8) What type of clouds are known as storm clouds that bring rain, lightening, and thunder? a) nimbus b) cirrus c) cumulus d) stratus 9) Label the water cycle diagram. a) A. heat, B. rain, C. evaporation b) A. precipitation, B. evaporation C. condensation c) A. cold air, B. precipitation, C. hot air d) A. the sun, B. condensation, C. precipitation 10) 3. What is the process called when water is heated up by the sun and turns into water vapor? a) evaporation b) boil c) life cycle d) geography 11) Which process happens when water vapor cools and turns back into a liquid to form a cloud? a) cloud b) condensation c) water vapor d) science 12) What are the 4 types of precipitation? a) rain, water, snow, and ice b) rain, snow, ice, and snowflakes c) water, raindrops, ice chunks, and hail d) rain, hail, snow, and sleet 13) What is air? a) air is a gas and is all around us b) air is fog c) air is clouds d) air is nothing 14) Is air matter? a) yes, but it does not take up space. b) yes, and it takes up space c) no, but it takes up space d) no and it does not take up space 15) What is moving air called? a) storm b) wind c) sun d) rain
Weather and Water Cycle Test Review
2nd Grade
Core Knowledge
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