melanin - tiny grains of pigment in the cortex that give natural color to the hair, pheomelanin - lighter pigment that provides natural colors ranging from red and ginger to yellow and blond tones, eumelanin - provides natural dark brown or black color to the hair, hydrogen bond - weak, physical, cross-link side bond that is easily broken by water or heat, wave pattern - shape of the hair strands; described as straight, wavy, curly, and extremely curly, proteins - long, coiled complex polypeptides made of amino acids, lanthionine bonds - bonds created when disulfide bonds are broken by hydroxide chemical hair relaxers after the relaxer is rinsed from the hair, anagen phase - phase during which new hair is produced; also known as growth phase, peptide bond - chemical bond that joins amino acids to each other, end-to-end, to form a polypeptide chain; also known as an end bond, cystine - amino acid formed when 2 cysteine amino acids are joined by their sulfur groups or disulfide bond, salt bond - weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains, vellus hair - short, fine, unpigmented, and downy hair that appears on the body; also known as lanugo hair, polypeptide chain - long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds, helix - spiral shape of a coiled protein created by polypeptide chains that intertwine with each other, telogen phase - final phase in the hair cycle that lasts until the fully grown hair is shed; also known as resting phase, side bonds - bonds that cross-link the polypeptide chains together and are responsible for the extreme strength and elasticity of human hair, disulfide bond - strong chemical side bond that joins sulfur atoms of two neighboring cysteine amino acids to create one cystine,
Cosmetology Chapter 11 - Vocab 2
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