Correct: Koran: Direct word of God, inspired art, poetry, literature, spiritual guidance for all Muslims, Hadith: stories that come from different prophets after the death of Muhammad , Quran tells duties; and Sunnah–explains HOW to do those duties., Shahadah: Declaration of only one God, Allah and M. is the messenger , Salat: Pray five times per day , Zakat: Giving of Alms , Siyam: Fasting during Ramadan , Muslims only fast during Ramadan from sunup to sundown , An important location during a hajj is to visit the Kabaa , Shariah laws are guided by the Koran and it's teachings. , Ramadan encourages generosity, equality, and sharing., Islam is the translation of surrender in Arabit. , There are approximately 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. , Abraham, Moses, and Jesus are all considered important prophets in Islam. , Incorrect: Quran how to carry out duties; and SUnnah–explains what the duties are., Salat: Proclaims that M. is the messenger of God, and one God. , Zakat: Fast during Ramadan , Hajj: Islamic head covering for women. , Torah: Religious Holy Book for Muslims , Muslim always fast from sun up until sun down. , Hajj is not a requirement (obligatory) in Islam. , Muslims must journey to Medina to begin Hajj , It is okay to eat pork for Muslims, as long as it is not Ramadan , Islam can be translated to "gratitude" , Arabic is the largest religion in the world. , Muslims do not respect Christians or Jews. ,
Islamic Faith
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