The teacher was telling us what page to turn to while face the board and I didn't hear what she was saying. , I am in drivers education class and my hearing aid broke in my right ear. The teacher talks to me while I'm driving but I am afraid to look at her and take my eyes off of the road. , we have a guest speaker presenting to our class. I can't hear or understand him. , I was walking with my friend outside. He asked me a question. I didn't hear him. My friend got mad and I didn't know why. , I sit near kids who talk all the time during class. When they are talking I can't hear the teacher. , My teacher gave us new seats. My seat is exactly in the wrong place for my hearing loss. , The teacher puts on a movie that doesn't have closed captions. They announce that there will be a test on the movie. , My mom talks to me when she is far away from me. She was mad that I didn't do what she had asked but I really didn't hear her ask me anything. , During gym the teacher called out group numbers. I thought my number was called. I was so embarrassed when I got up and my number wasn't called. , During class we take turns reading out loud. The teacher called a name. I though she said my name, so I started reading out loud. I was so embarrassed because she didn't really say my name. , You are watching a movie. Your teacher put on captions. During the movie you need to fill out a study packet. When you try and write with your head down, you miss the information on the movie. , We were playing football. Everyone stopped playing. I didn't know why. I can't hear the whistle. , My mom was dropping me off at school and I asked if she was going to pick me up. I thought she said "yes." When I went down to the office at the end of the day, she was not there because she did not say yes. , My friends mumble and talk really fast. I miss things they are saying. They get frustrated with me when I don't understand of ask them to repeat all the time. , The sub said we had a test next week but my teacher came the next day and said we had a test today. I though I hear next week yesterday and not today. , Everyday the office reads announcements over the loud speaker. I know they announce things like after school clubs and sports team tryouts. I wanted to try out for the play, but I missed the announcement for tryouts. , My teacher was helping me with my work. H was standing on my Deaf side. I couldn't hear him at all., I have the hardest time at lunch. I want to talk to my friends, but I have no idea what anyone is saying!, After school my friends were mad at me. I didn't know why. I forund out later they were calling me to come talk to them between classes and they thought I was ignoring them., I thought we were supposed to read pages 24-32. Boy was I surprised when I found out the next day in class that I was supposed to have read pages 24-42., A classmate is presenting his project. He holds the book in front of his face, mumbles and talks really fast. We are going to be tested on inormation classmates present., In the lunch line I was not paying attention. The kid behind me was whispering , "go". I didn't hear him. By the time I finally hered him, I had really jammed up the line! up , My teacher has a beard and a mustache. I depend on speech reading sometimes to help me understand. Because of his facial hair he is bery hard to speech read..
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