This place is very noisy. There are a lot of children. They run and play. - playground, This place is very quiet. There are a lot of books here. - library, This place is very dangerous. There are a lot of cars here. - road, This place is safe. People keep their money here. - bank, This place is very popular. People do sports here. - gym, This transport isn`t very fast. Children like it. - bike, This transport is slow. Also it is very old and romantic. - carriage, This transport is sometimes very expensive. There aren`t any other people there. - car, This transport isn`t expensive. It is often crowded. It goes on a road. - bus,

Adjectives / SO starter unit 6 video voc


Kaksipuoleiset kortit on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

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